
WATCH: Iran Protests Debunk Democrat, Media Narrative the Country Was 'United' After Soleimani's Death

Democrats and members of the mainstream media, but I repeat myself, pushed the narrative that the Iranian people were united behind the regime and had renewed hatred against President Trump and the United States after terrorist leader Qassem Soleimani's death. All of that unraveled when anti-regime protests broke out over the weekend.

Democrats, reporters, and show hosts pointed to the large crowds that were out in the streets to mourn Soleimani's death. They often neglected the fact that many of the people were forced to show support for the man whose forces helped kill up to 1,500 Iranians during anti-regime protests in November.

A MSNBC intro described the mourning as a "stunning" show of support and that Trump "did what the Iranian government has been unable to do: unite the country."

"Are you surprised that Soleimani's death seems to have united the people, we saw something like a million people, turn out to the street there to commemorate him?" CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota asked Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI).

"Frankly, the only people mourning were the millions of people in the streets of Iran because this strike has united Iran around, unfortunately, a hardline," former Obama administration official Ben Rhodes said.

The anti-regime protests were sparked after the Iranian government admitted to shooting down the Ukrainian passenger airplane on the night it launched ballistic missiles at military bases in Iraq where American troops are stationed.

Videos that were posted on social media showed people tearing down posters and signs honoring Soleimani. One video showed students at Beheshti University refusing to walk on the American and Israeli flags that were on the ground, choosing instead to walk around them. Chants from the protesters expressed disdain for the regime and support for the United States.

Then again, the people of Iran do seem to be united, just not in the way the Democrats and the mainstream media want you to believe.