
Far-left Groups to Sponsor 'Our Rights, Our Courts' Presidential Forum in New Hampshire Ahead of Primary

New Hampshire’s crucial primary is on the horizon for Democratic contenders, just after the Iowa caucuses. Progressive groups are set to bring reproductive rights to the center of the conversation in the Granite State. Per WMUR9, interest groups including NARAL, Demand Justice and the Center for Reproductive Rights, along with New Hampshire Democrats, are set to host a presidential forum headlined ‘Our Rights, Our Courts.’

The discussion is open to the public and set for February 8th. 

“This will be the first forum of the 2020 presidential election addressing how the candidates will approach the courts and protect our rights, with a particular focus on reproductive rights,” the event page reads. 

NARAL and the Center for Reproductive Rights focus their grassroots efforts on pushing a pro-abortion agenda, while Demand Justice, led by Hillary Clinton’s former campaign press secretary Brian Fallon, demands that far-left ideologues be appointed to the judiciary. All three groups embrace a progressive agenda that aligns with the radical wing of the Democratic Party.

Abortion has become a center-stage issue in political discourse since the election of President Trump, and the rhetoric surrounding the issue as a whole is increasingly polarizing. Gone are the days of ‘safe, legal and rare,’ abortion, and ‘shout, your abortion, ladies!’ is here to stay. Similarly, progressive democrats have implemented an abortion litmus test for judges, as Americans saw during the confirmation hearings for Justice Brett Kavanaugh. 

These groups want their radical agenda to be legislated from the bench, which became clear when Demand Justice released a list of 32 acceptable names to be nominated to the Supreme Court-- only eight on this list had any judicial experience. 

As abortion becomes an increasingly mainstream, partisan issue, Democratic presidential hopefuls are also competing to see which candidate can take up the most extreme stance. Again, abortion was once a solemn issue that brought the two parties together, even if Republicans and Democrats disagreed on details such as when life begins, abortion was never celebrated. Every presidential contender for the Democratic nomination has embraced, whether explicitly or not, abortion with no trimester restrictions; of course, the candidates are able to avoid difficult questions on the issue by employing buzzwords such as ‘woman’s choice,’ or ‘bodily autonomy.’ Democratic candidates, with the exception of former Vice President Joe Biden (depending on the day), are even rallying around a movement to repeal the Hyde Amendment, a historically bipartisan measure that prohibits federal dollars from funding abortions. This party has left former President Clinton’s reasonable views on abortion, which united both sides of the aisle, in the dust.