
Castro Endorses Warren for President Ahead of Iowa Caucuses

The once-diverse field of Democratic contenders for President is slowly dwindling, and the Iowa Caucuses are less than a month away. In the latest round of polling, via YouGov and CBS News, the White House hopefuls see a three-way tie in Iowa. Senator Bernie Sanders, Former Vice President Joe Biden and former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana Pete Buttigieg are in a dead-heat, at 23 percent, for an Iowa Caucus victory. This poll is far from encouraging for Senator Elizabeth Warren, who appears to have plateaued after a substantial surge in nearly every poll; the Senator from Massachusetts received 16 percent among Iowa voters. 

Following the release of Warren’s dismal polling support, former HUD Secretary under President Obama and short-lived presidential hopeful Julián Castro threw his support behind Senator Warren. 

Citing Warren’s push for structural change and inclusivity, regardless of socioeconomic status, Castro joins Warren’s call to demonize and punish America’s highest earners. Castro himself had a less-than impressive presidential campaign, gaining little traction throughout the tenure of his long-shot White House bid. In national polls, he averaged at 1 or 2 percent and was unable to fundraise consistently. Castro’s most notable moment, likely an attempt at a Cory Booker-esque ‘Spartacus moment,’ occurred on the debate stage in June, when he promised that his health care plan would cover abortions for transgender females. 

Given their ideological alignment and previous collaboration during the Obama Administration, Castro’s endorsement is not entirely surprising. Although, Warren’s consistent, desperate lies about her lack of Native American heritage should be discouraging for anyone, let alone an accomplished Latino man running for president. Warren continues to avoid addressing her weaponization of her non-existent minority heritage for the sake of votes, but Castro is apparently unbothered. 

Castro’s endorsement comes ahead of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who exited the presidential race in August on account of low poll numbers and inability to fundraise. With the Iowa Caucuses on the horizon, endorsements from previous presidential hopefuls with little name recognition will probably do little to help Senator Warren overcome her unauthentic demeanor and refusal to defend the policy positions she is most vocal about. Between her repeated avoidance of basic questions regarding the funding behind her ‘free’ social programs and her continued weaponization of her invented Native American heritage, it appears that the best days of Warren’s campaign are behind her.

 The next Democratic Debate will take place at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa on January 14.