
Dem Rep Made Some Truly Bizarre Arguments During Thursday's Impeachment Hearing

Democratic arguments supporting impeachment weren’t good to begin with, but during the markup session on the articles of impeachment in the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, they fell to new lows.

Enter Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson, who in advancing the idea that there was an imbalance of power between Presidents Trump and Zelensky, said Trump was too tall. He then went further, arguing that even when the U.S. president told the Ukrainian president there was no pressure, Zelensky responded as though Trump had his daughter “downstairs in the basement, duct-taped.”

“Well, I’ll tell you that brings to mind the picture of President Trump and President Zelensky meeting in New York in September at the U.N. and a big chair for President Trump, little chair for President Zelensky.”

“Big, six-foot-four President Trump, five-foot-eleven President Zelensky. And they’re standing there, President Trump is holding court, and he says, ‘Oh, by the way, no pressure,'” Johnson continued. “And you saw President Zelensky shaking his head as if his daughter was downstairs in the basement, duct-taped.”

The White House issued a response, making fun of how ridiculous this impeachment process is. 

They also tweeted out a photo from that meeting, showing Johnson was wrong (of course) about those chairs. 

This coming from the elected official who believed Guam would "tip over and capsize." So I guess we shouldn't be surprised.