
Jim Jordan: Dems Are Impeaching Because They 'Have Never Accepted the Will of the American People'

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the ranking member on the House Oversight and Reform Committee, once again laid into House Democrats for the impeachment inquiry into President Trump during his Fox News interview on Tuesday.

"This whole thing is built on what Nancy Pelosi said two weeks ago Sunday, when she called the president of the United States an 'imposter.' They have never accepted the fact that 63 million Americans voted for Donald Trump on November 8, 2016 and made him president. He won an electoral college landslide," Jordan said.

"That underscores what they're trying to do. They have never accepted the will of the American people and they've gone to this crazy impeachment strategy that we've seen unfold now for the last several months," he continued. 

In a report put together by House Republican staff on the Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight and Reform Committees, they criticized the evidence presented during the hearings because nothing provided proved any of the Democrats' allegations against Trump.

"The evidence presented does not prove any of these Democrat allegations, and none of the Democrats' witnesses testified to having evidence of bribery, extortion, or any high crime or misdemeanor," the report stated, adding, "The evidence shows that President Trump holds a deep-seated, genuine, and reasonable skepticism of the U.S. foreign aid and the need for European allies to shoulder more of the financial burden for regional defense.

The report asserted the July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky shows no quid pro quo, bribery, extortion, or abuse of power.