
They Won't Stop: Jerry Nadler Announces Another Impeachment Hearing With a Special Invitation

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler announced Tuesday afternoon he will hold his first impeachment inquiry hearing next week. This comes as he considers what articles of impeachment to draft based on "evidence" from House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff. 

"The Committee intends this hearing to serve as an opportunity to discuss the historical and constitutional basic of impeachment, as well as the Framers' intent and understanding of terms like 'high crimes and misdemeanors.' We expect to discuss the constitutional framework through which the House may analyze the evidence gathered in the present inquiry. We will also discuss whether your alleged actions warrant the House's exercising its authority to adopt article of impeachment," Nadler wrote in a letter to President Trump. 

"If you would like to participate in the hearing, please provide the Committee with notice as soon as possible. But no later than by 6:00 pm on December 1, 2019. By that time, I ask that you also indicate who will act as your counsel for these proceedings," he continued. "While we invite you to this hearing, we remind you that if you continue to refuse to make witnesses and documents available to the committee of jurisdiction...'the chair shall have the discretion to impose appropriate remedies.'" 

Nadler's continued push on impeachment comes as many Democrats get cold feet on the issue. 

For months, Nadler has been fundraising off of impeachment and telling far left constituents he plans to move forward.