
Trump Promises the Senate Will Have Confirmed 182 Federal Judges By the End of the Year

President Trump boasted on Wednesday that by the end of the year, the Senate, under the leadership of Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), will have confirmed 182 federal judges since he has been president. 

Trump spoke highly of the Republican Senate Judiciary Committee members during an event marking the milestone at the White House.

"Thanks to many of the people here today, my administration and Republicans in Congress have now confirmed more than 150 federal judges. And to be honest with you, it's substantially higher right now than's about 159," Trump said.

"We should have within the next short period of time, like two months, we should have 182 federal judges," he said.

Trump's announcement comes just after McConnell told the crowd at Trump's rally in Lexington that he will work to ensure there will be no federal judge vacancy for Democrats to fill.

"Nobody's done more to change the court system in the history of our country than Donald Trump. And Mr. President, we're going to keep on doing it. My motto is leave no vacancy behind," McConnell said. 

McConnell is heavily highlighting the large number of federal judge confirmations, and especially the confirmation of Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, to show Kentucky how he supports Trump and the conservative agenda.