
Newtown Woman Goes Off on Beto and His Gun Control Proposals: 'The Democrats Have Failed!'

Warning: Video contains graphic language. 

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke was heckled by a woman on Wednesday in Newtown, Conn. during an event with pro-gun control groups. Newtown is where the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School occurred.

The woman, Rebecca Carnes, said O'Rourke's gun control proposals are targeting good people and ignoring the true problem; mental health.

“They’re here to hijack this town and to try to make an issue out of getting guns out of good peoples’ hands that can make a difference and you that Beto,” Carnes shouted. "No, this is bulls**t. It's about mental health and it's about this war on boys and masculinity."

Some in attendance at the event tried to get Carnes to stop, but she kept shouting at O'Rourke. She repeatedly told the candidate to debate her.

"You're bulls**t by being here. Shame on you Beto," she continued. "What do you have to say about urban violence? You don't care. The Democrats have been in charge of urban communities and cities for decades. The Democrats have failed! They don't care about you, sir."

When people tried to get her removed from the gathering, Carnes objected, saying she is a third-generation member of the town.

O'Rourke has made strict gun control the focal point of his struggling presidential campaign. He has stuck to his guns on wanting to have mandatory compensated confiscation of AR-15s and AK-47s.

“Anyone who does not and is caught in possession or seen in possession of one of these weapons of war, one of these instruments of terror, that weapon will be taken from them and they will be fined. And if they should persist in continuing to — to use and to buy these weapons then there will be other consequences in the criminal code," O'Rourke recently said.