
House Adopts Impeachment Resolution, Two Democrats Defect

The Democratic-led impeachment resolution to formalize the investigation against President Trump has passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 232-196. Two Democrats, Collin Peterson (MN) and Jeff Van Drew (NJ), voted "no."

Now we wait to see a timeline regarding when the formal, televised hearings for the inquiry will begin.

Before the vote the House engaged in some lively debate over the measure. Democrats insisted it would provide more due process for President Trump. But Republicans rejected that notion, noting how their colleagues are running this "sham" impeachment process "in the basement" of the Capitol.

Katie recently explained why the impeachment resolution offers little change and still "ties the hands of Republicans when it comes to issuing subpoenas and calling witnesses."

Republican leaders are united in the conclusion that Democrats are obsessed with impeaching Trump because they want to overturn the results of the 2016 presidential election.

President Trump and his campaign responded with a few simple messages.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.