
Elizabeth Warren Shares Ridiculous Video on Twitter

Elizabeth Warren was caught telling another folktale, this time about losing a job because she was pregnant. Or losing the same job because she needed more graduate courses, depending on whichever interview you choose to believe. 

Unable to defend herself, Warren took to Twitter to tell the stories of countless other women who have experienced pregnancy discrimination but whose names are also not Elizabeth Warren. 

In her Twitter video, Warren says “so I get out and on the campaign trail, I tell my story. And I’ve asked other people to tell their stories as well. I think that’s a good way to fight back.”

To fight back? Against the truth? 

Warren then goes on to read various “stories” from her iPhone that were submitted by other people, including one from "Sarah." 

“My mom was demoted and then fired from her job when she was pregnant with my sis and me (we’re twins),” Sarah said. “She re-told us that story recently and let me tell you, 30+ years later, the pain and anger from that experience was still very raw and real. Women don’t share this stuff willy nilly.” 

Warren then adds, “so true, Sarah.”

So true? First of all, Warren agrees that women “don’t share this stuff willy nilly,” but she shared her folktale countless times on the campaign trail. And by adding a “yup” and “so true” after every woman’s story, Warren is attempting to appropriate their victimhood. But what should we expect from a woman who appropriated Native American ancestry?

The best story Warren reads appears to come from someone using the name Summer. Warren is seemingly being trolled and is completely unaware of it:

Oh, here’s one from Summer. My dudes, women are STILL fired or not hired at all basically just for looking like they might one day soon want to become pregnant. Someone at the UN once told me TO MY FACE this was why I didn’t get a job. I was then single, and ten years later still have no kids.”

Warren then quips, “I got it, Summer.” 

You can’t make this stuff up. Only Elizabeth Warren can. 

You have to see the full video: