
Trump Goes Off: Democrats Are Focused on BULLSH*T!

It's obvious President Trump was watching a press conference held by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff Wednesday morning about impeachment. 

During a typical tweet storm in response to Pelosi and Schiff's impeachment declarations and "facts," President Trump said they are spending far too much energy focused on "bullish*t." He also encouraged Democrats to find a 2020 candidate who can do better than two time presidential loser Hillary Clinton. 

As Cortney reported earlier, Pelosi compared the impeachment of President Trump to the American Revolution and Schiff repeatedly invoked the Founding Fathers to justify his latest fishing expedition. 

Last week Schiff lied to the American people and entered false testimony into the congressional record during a hearing with Acting DNI Director Joseph Maguire. Ever since, President Trump has continued to bring attention to his words, wondering why he isn't being punished for doing so. He's aslo repeatedly called for his resignation.