
WATCH: The RNC Just Released Its First Impeachment-Centered Campaign Ad

Have the Democrats stepped in it with their hasty impeachment threat for President Trump? The Republican National Committee is banking on it, because it's just released its first campaign ad exposing the Democrats' "impeachment charade."

The ad notes that the Democrats are obsessed with impeachment, to the detriment of their constituents. The first example the RNC uses is New York Rep. Max Rose.

"Max Rose promised he'd tackle problems," the narrator says. "Rose broke his promise."

The congressman had the chance to fix health care lower prescription drug prices, the ad continues, but he chose to "vote with the radicals on endless investigations."

And there are more where he came from, the RNC previewed in an email to supporters on Friday.

  • The RNC is spending over $2M highlighting House Democrats' broken promises in target districts.
  • Ads will begin airing this Sunday, September 29th in 25-50 House districts.
  • Over $10M will be spent across TV and digital exposing the Democrats’ impeachment charade

Before we even laid eyes on either the phone transcript between Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky or the whistleblower complaint about it, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared her party was launching a formal impeachment inquiry against the president. The released documents did show that Trump had asked Ukraine to investigate his political rival Joe Biden, but there was no evidence of quid pro quo. The whistleblower also admitted in the complaint that he or she was not a "direct witness" to the call in question and the details provided were based on hearsay from White House officials.

"By the end of our campaign," the RNC predicts, "every American will be ready to hold the deranged Democrats accountable."