
Lefty Reporter Has a Better Option for Democrats Lusting to Boot Trump…and It’s Not Insane

Michael Tracey is a liberal reporter, but one that hasn’t succumbed to anti-Trump hysteria like his colleagues. He’s formerly of The Young Turks but has been from day one skeptical of the Trump-Russia collusion myth. He took a victory lap when the Mueller report said there was no evidence of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin during the 2016 election. He, along with The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald, torched multiple liberal writers and publications who had peddled this manufactured crisis for the past couple of years. He’s a decent follow if you’re looking for the other side that isn’t totally nuts. So, his take on this whole Trump-Ukraine nonsense is that maybe Democrats should just do everything they can to win the 2020 election instead of putting the country through the meat grinder with this impeachment circus. 

He made these points known through a Twitter thread, where he noted that Trump appears to ask Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for assistance with the Department of Justice’s ongoing probe into the origins of the Russia investigation. He also noted that maybe the overall conversation was “bad form,” but nothing impeachable. Certainly, there’s nothing illegal.  

“The political question is, what's the best way to reproach a president who routinely exhibits "bad form"? asked Tracey. “How about an election, rather than an extraordinary Constitutional remedy that will consume the country for months and months?”

That’s a fair point. And since Mueller and the Russia investigation was mentioned, we once again have the Democrats trying to use the Trump-Russia collusion myth in all of this, a backdoor if you will. We all knew the Democrats wanted to impeach Trump based on the collusion probe, which was total political theater, and the findings of the Mueller report. When that blew up in their faces, they waited until this intelligence community whistleblower complaint, which is based on anonymous and second-hand sources, reared its head. The person who filed the complaint is noted to be politically biased against the president and never even listened in on this call. So, yeah, it’s trash. And to use this to push impeachment is even more reckless than the whole collusion fiasco that gripped the nation for years.

Now, as for the 2020 election, maybe Democrats are pushing impeachment so hard because they know no one in their field could beat Trump. Rep. Al Green (D-TX) pretty much gave the game away on that one, right?