
Adam Schiff Demanded Full Whistleblower Complaint. Now He's Complaining About Its Release.

In this episode of "moving the goal post," we have House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff complaining that the White House is actually honoring his request. Schiff demanded to see the full whistleblower complaint about President Trump and his conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The whistleblower, who admits he or she does not have firsthand knowledge of the claim, says Trump threatened to withhold military aid from Ukraine if they did not dig up some dirt on Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Trump denied the charge and said his phone call with Zelensky was "perfect," as in nothing to see here. He is releasing the phone call transcript on Wednesday to prove it. We also learned that the DOJ plans to release the full complaint.

But, Schiff is not happy about the conditions. Trump is only complying because he's coerced, Schiff noted on MSNBC.

"Part of it is you see this pattern over and over," Schiff explained.

That pattern, Schiff elaborated, is that the White House first refuses their document requests. Then, the Democrats threaten to subpoena and get more information. Then they talk about the possibility of contempt and the White House provides more details. 

"Now I think the big club is coming out it's forcing them to agree to provide the transcript and provide the whistleblower and that big club is the club of impeachment," Schiff said.

"But for that being brought out, the White House would not be relinquishing this information."

"Interesting," MSNBC host Chris Hayes replied.

Schiff was one of the first Democrats to suggest that the whistleblower complaint justified impeachment. He's finally getting all of the material that would give credence to his claim, but he's not appeased.

Townhall will have all the latest on the transcript, the complaint, and the reaction following their release.