
Dumbest Protest Ever: Leftists Force Thousands of Cars To Idle In Washington, DC

Happy Monday, folks. What better way to get the American people on your side than by causing their morning work commute to become an even bigger headache by forcing thousands of drivers to sit in stand still traffic. In an attempt to convince climate skeptics that climate change (formally known as global warming until a few predictions by Al Gore didn't pan out) is real, hundreds of leftist protesters are currently demonstrating in the streets of Washington, D.C. by hurling confetti, blocking traffic, and warning about carbon emissions...while at the same time causing motor vehicles to just sit there emitting carbon dioxide. Their ultimate goal is to "Shut Down D.C." until the government enacts climate change legislation.

A coalition of environmental whackos demanding "climate justice" Monday morning filled the streets of our nation's capital causing gridlock. Here's some of the action on Twitter.

As you can tell from just five tweets out of hundreds, the overall impact of the protest is pollution, inane ramblings, and one giant headache for everybody in D.C. trying to actually work. What a waste of time.