
Warren Hits The Hypocrisy Motherload With Her Latest Campaign Hire

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on Monday unveiled an anti-corruption plan that would require lobbyists to "cool off" before serving in government. They would also be prohibited from donating to political campaigns, the Daily Caller reported.

"My plan lays out nearly a hundred ways that we can change our government to fix this problem [of corruption] — from improving public integrity rules for federal officials in every branch of government to ending lobbying as we know it, fixing the criminal laws to hold corrupt politicians to account, and ensuring our federal agencies and courts are free from corrupting influences," her plan states.

“Under my proposal, current lobbyists won’t be able to take government jobs for 2 years after lobbying, with limited exceptions for when the hiring is in the national interest,” Warren’s plan states. “Corporate lobbyists will have to wait at least 6 years — no exceptions, and no waivers.”

To make matters ironic, Warren's campaign hired Kimberly Diaz Scott, a lobbyist for the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, to head up her campaign in Florida. 

“I won’t be far from the movement, as I’m humbled and proud to announce my transition as the Florida State Director for Warren for President, assuring that we will continue to fight like hell to elect a brilliant leader who will work to protect the health, safety and future of ALL people,” Diaz Scott told the Miami Herald. “2020 is not for the rich or selfish, 2020 is for us.”

According to Florida’s Lobbyist Registration Office, Diaz Scott has been a registered lobbyist for Planned Parenthood since 2015. 

If people like Warren want to end government corruption, fine. So be it. But they shouldn't be creating these dumb proposals that they themselves can't follow. If Warren wants to keep corrupt lobbyists out of politics then she herself shouldn't have lobbyists working for her. Period.