
Family Members Find More Than 2,000 Fetuses In Abortionist's Home


Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN), who represents South Bend, has called for an investigation into the events. She's also looking into federal legislation to address the issue:

“Reports that more than 2,000 fetal remains were found on the property of longtime South Bend abortion doctor Ulrich Klopfer are sickening beyond words. He was responsible for thousands of abortions in Indiana, and his careless treatment of human remains is an outrage.

“Every human life is precious, and every woman and baby deserves care and respect. This tragic case shows why abortion providers must be held to strict guidelines and face rigorous oversight. I will be looking into federal legislation to ensure the remains of aborted babies are always treated with dignity, including in the case of chemical abortions.

“State and federal authorities should conduct a full investigation into this case and take any steps necessary to protect Hoosiers, including the unborn, from unsafe practitioners.”


The remains of 2,246 unborn children were discovered on Thursday at the home of the late Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, a former abortionist, who died earlier this month. Family members were going through belongings on his property when they made the discovery.

The family's attorney called Will County, Illinois Sheriff's Office to report the findings, at which point sheriff's detectives, crime scene investigators and representatives from the coroner’s office were dispatched to the rural home. The Coroner's Office took possession of the fetal remains and removed them from the property. 

According to the Coroner's Offie, there was no evidence to suggest that any abortions had taken place in home. The family is fully cooperating as officials continue to investigate.

Klopfer was an abortion provider in South Bend, Indiana at the Women’s Pavilion until his medical license was suspended in 2015, WNDU-TV reported. He had 1,833 abortion-related complaints filed against him by Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller, primarily relating to record keeping and informed consent violations. 

From National Right to Life News

According to the alleged violations in the Attorney General’s 2014 complaint, Klopfer submitted 1,818 termination of pregnancy reports with missing or incorrect information. He failed to submit two termination of pregnancy reports within three days as required by law for abortions performed on 13-year-old girls.

Six times, he failed to ensure informed and voluntary consent was provided by properly credentialed staff. Qualified staff was not available to monitor patients who had received sedation. Finally, he failed to obtain informed and voluntary consent for seven patients at least 18-hours prior to the abortion procedure, according to the complaint.


Klopfer ran abortion facilities in Fort Wayne, Gary and South Bend, Ind. Klopfer has performed no abortions in Fort Wayne since he lost his legally-required back-up doctor with admitting privileges on Dec. 31, 2013.

Klopfer surrendered his Gary abortion facility license in June of 2015 and his South Bend abortion facility license was revoked in June of 2015.