
Judicial Watch Has Filed a Lawsuit to Find Out Why Pete Buttigieg Backed ID Cards Benefitting Illegal Aliens

Government watchdog Judicial Watch has filed a public records lawsuit against the City of South Bend, Indiana. They're looking for documents about the role Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who is also running for president, played in getting illegal aliens driver's licenses.

"Judicial Watch announced today that it filed an Access to Public Records Act (APRA) open records lawsuit against the City of South Bend, Indiana, for records of communications between Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s office related to the creation of a municipal ID card for illegal aliens that was created by La Casa de Amistad, a local not-for-profit corporation (Judicial Watch v. City of South Bend (No. 71C01-1908-Ml-000389))," a press release from Judicial Watch states.

"On December 16, 2016, the South Bend Tribune reported that, 'A nonprofit Latino advocacy group … unveiled a new identification card it hopes will make life easier for undocumented immigrants who live in [South Bend].' La Casa de Amistad Inc. are the creators of this 'SB ID.' Mayor Pete Buttigieg reportedly worked 'closely with La Casa de Amistad, South Bend’s main Latino outreach center … and the nonprofit’s executive director, Sam Centellas,' to create a 'Community Resident Card … created and distributed by the group — a private organization — not the city,'" it continues. “'Buttigieg’s part to make it all work was to sign an executive order requiring local services and institutions — like law enforcement, schools, the water utility and libraries — to accept the card as a valid form of identification.'"

The lawsuit was filed after public records requests were ignored by South Bend city officials. Previous requests have been filed by Judicial Watch and city officials claimed they were "too broad."

“Mayor Buttigieg’s city administration in South Bend is in cover-up mode on his work for special ID cards to make it easier for illegal aliens to stay in the United States contrary to law,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton released in a statement. “Judicial Watch made simple open records requests and have faced nothing but games from the Buttigieg administration – which is why we had to sue.”

On the campaign train, Buttigieg has been an advocate for illegal aliens and has cited scripture to justify his open-border policy positions.