
Cruz Takes Up Milano's Challenge on Gun Debate

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) responded to actress Alyssa Milano’s challenge for a meeting about guns as well as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, saying he’s more than ready to meet her.

“I’d be happy to sit down & visit next week about uniting to stop gun violence & about the Constitution,” he told the activist. “If we can have a civil & positive conversation—in the spirit of 1 Peter 4:8 as you suggest—despite our political differences, that might help resolve the discord in our Nation.”

Milano had suggested livestreaming the conversation “so the American people can hear your bullsh*t.”

The exchange comes after Cruz gave Milano a lesson on history, the Constitution, and the Bible over the weekend after she ridiculed the idea that there is a “God-given” right to defend oneself with a firearm. 

If such a meeting takes place, it’d be quite the show, as Cruz is an award-winning debater, winning both the U.S. National Debating Championship and the North American Debating Championship in 1992. 

Milano did retweet Cruz's response, so perhaps she's serious after all.