
She Did...What To A Paramedic? It’s Why A McDonald's Employee No Longer Has A Job

They’re popping up all over the country. Stories about first responders being refused service or harassed at various establishments, whether that be for coffee or engagement rings, it's becoming a recurring theme. It’s disturbing, though undoubtedly fueled in part by the ranks of the politically correct and the Black Lives Matter crowd. We had a sheriff’s deputy in North Carolina barred from picking up his engagement ring because he was carrying his service weapon. Five police officers in Tempe, Arizona were told to leave a local Starbucks because some snowflake was triggered by their presence in the establishment. And now, some Florida snowflake didn’t want to serve anyone with a badge. Oh, sorry—let me rewind for a second; a McDonald’s employee was fired because she refused to serve…a paramedic. Yeah, even after the first responder said he wasn’t a police officer, she still refused service. The incident occurred in Madeira Beach, Florida  (via ABC Action News, Tampa Bay):

A McDonald's employee was fired after turning away Sunstar paramedics Wednesday night.

Sunstar paramedic Anthony Quinn accused the employee at the McDonald's in Madeira Beach of refusing to provide service to him and his partner, according to a review he left.

Quinn's review stated that he went into the restaurant in his uniform to use the restroom when the employee told him "we don't accept officers in here." After telling her that he wasn't an officer she proceeded to say that they didn't accept "anyone with a badge."

After Quinn's partner walked in to order food, the employee, according to his review, told him "we don't serve your kind here."

McDonald’s moved quickly to squash a potentially explosive public relations nightmare: 

We are aware of the unfortunate incident that took place at one of our restaurants last night. We, like you, were upset and disappointed and took immediate action. The employee has been terminated. What occurred does not reflect the values of our brand, our franchise, or the love and admiration we have demonstrated consistently for our friends in law enforcement and first responders. We have reached out to offer our sincerest apology.”

Again, this isn’t the first time this has happened. Over the past few years, these punks have harassed first responders. In Louisiana, police officers were refused service at a Burger King in St. Francisville. In Palm Bay, Florida, another officer reported a local McDonald’s refused to serve him. In Virginia, it was the same story; a cop was refused service at a McDonald’s, even though his jurisdiction was fish and game. In New York, the finest of the city were denied service at a local Dunkin’ Donuts. And like this punk kid who turned away a paramedic, a Texas Whataburger employee was given the pink slip for not serving local members of law enforcement. 

Luckily, most of these stories involve the snowflake being shown the door because it’s bad politics, bad business, and just plain stupid. Granted, I can see why these clowns would refuse to serve cops, but paramedics? Dude, really? Talk about bush league