
Bernie: Of Course I Know What's In Medicare For All. I Wrote The Damn Bill!

An interesting exchange took place during Tuesday night's debate when Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) explained what Medicare For All would look like as he envisions it. Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH), however, disagreed with Bernie, arguing that it's impossible for the Vermont Senator to know exactly what's in the bill.

"Medicare For All is comprehensive. It covers all health care needs for all senior citizens. It will finally include dental care, hearing aids and eye glasses," Sanders said. "Second of all–"

"But you don't know that, Bernie," Ryan interrupted. 

Bernie quickly shot back.

"I do know that. I wrote the damn bill," Bernie replied, referring to the Medicare For All bill he introduced in the Senate earlier this year.

The audience cheered at Bernie's response, a clear indication that Democratic supporters favor a Medicare For All system.

According to Ryan, progressives, like Sanders and Warren, continually push Medicare For All at the expensive of union voters that have decent health care plans.

"Bernie does not know all of the union contracts in the United States. I'm trying to explain that this union members are losing their jobs. Their wages have been stagnant. The world is crumbling around them. The only thing they have is, possibly, really good health care," Ryan explained. "And the Democratic message is we're going to go in and the only thing you have left, we're going to take it and we're going to do better. I do not think that's a recipe for success for us. It's bad policy and it's certainly bad politics."

But Bernie didn't just go after Ryan or his other opponents on the health care front. He also took aim at CNN host Jake Tapper for setting the stage by asking the question, "What is. your response to Congressman Delaney who says 'Medicare For All' is 'political suicide'?"

"Jake, your question is a Republican talking point at the end of the day," Bernie said. 

He also went on to say that the health care industry would be advertising on CNN through out the debate.