
Gloves Come Off: Far Left Democrat Insinuates Black And Hispanic Lawmakers Who Side With Pelosi Are Race Traitors

The border crisis appears to have inched the Democratic Party towards another episode of internal strife. Civil war? Well, I’m not so sure about that, but it’s been getting pretty nasty. The House passed a $4.6 billion border package that included strings attached, aimed at curbing immigration enforcement. This was pie-in-the-sky. Trump would never sign it, though he did sign the Senate bill into law, which provided the same funding but without the trash provisions against enforcing the law. It was also overwhelmingly bipartisan. Moderate House Democrats and Pelosi signed off on the Senate bill, which infuriated the far left. The Squad, as they’re called, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), are all part of this unholy alliance. They’re the face of the growing far-left contingent in the House. Pelosi has taken swipes at their agenda, which has not been well received. AOC hasn’t spoken to Pelosi in weeks and this crew dishes it right back. It reached new heights when AOC pretty much accused Pelosi of racism, saying her criticism in targeting women of color in her caucus was disrespectful. 

Now, we have AOC’s chief of staff going after fellow Democrats, saying their votes “enable a racist system.” Whatever that means.  It did not sit well with House Democrats who clapped back. At Netroots Nation, a far left wing conference, Pressley picked up the ball, pretty much saying that those who support Pelosi are race traitors for lack of a better term:

The claws are out. Grab the popcorn. There is nothing more riveting that Democrats ripping each other apart.