
Sarah Sanders Had the Best Clap Back at AOC for Criticizing Ivanka's G-20 Invite

Ivanka Trump, first daughter of the United States, joined her father on his trip to the G-20 summit over the weekend. And it gave her critics the chance to renew their predictable criticism. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was among the Democrats complaining that Ivanka should not be allowed a seat at any international table on our behalf because she has no foreign policy experience or qualifications.

That critique spiraled over the weekend. Now the hashtag #UnwantedIvanka is a top trend on Twitter, giving social media users a chance to place her face in photographs in which she clearly does not belong. 

Conservatives were quick to respond to AOC with the note that she isn't exactly qualified for her job either. 

Maybe the best clap back, however, came from the outgoing Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She contrasted Ivanka's proven record with Ocasio-Cortez's rather lackluster one.

With that mic drop, Sanders has officially completed her White House duties.