
HA! Hannity Gives Acosta The Ultimate Smackdown When Declining His Media Request

Over the last week, CNN White House Correspondent Jim Acosta has been pimping his new book, "The Enemy of the People: A Dangerous Time to Tell the Truth in America." Of course, Fox News' Sean Hannity discussed the book on his program. And when Acosta got word of it, he was upset about it. He's not mad at Hannity for talking about the book. He's upset because Hannity refused to have the CNN reporter on his show. 

Acosta took to Twitter to be a wise guy and share an excerpt from his book about an encounter he had with Hannity and Tucker Carlson.

“Before long, we boarded the press buses for the main event, the Trump-Putin joint news conference. As I set foot on the bus, I immediately spotted two of my biggest critics: Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, Trump’s chief propagandists at Fox, were seated on the bus, too. And you know what? After all their attacks on me during their prime-time 'state TV' programs, they didn’t say a word to me. You’d think they would have had something to say to my face, but their fauxmacho man bullshit, as it turns out, seems to stop at the doors at the Fox News headquarters," the excerpt said.

According to Acosta, Hannity had an opportunity to say whatever he wanted to Acosta's face but chose not to. 

Hannity fired back at Acosta, saying the book is "garbage" and he "won't subject" his audience "to conspiracy theory fake news." He also reminded Acosta of one important tidbit: Hannity's show on Fox is the number 1 cable news show in the country... and CNN's ratings are flopping.

Word to the wise: if you're wanting to get an interview, don't be rude to the person whose show you want to be on. It practically cements your fate with him or her forever. Remember: you need the media. The media doesn't need you.