
Texas Gov Greg Abbott Has Been Signing a Lot of Popular Bills Lately

We've been so focused on Robert Mueller, impeachment talks, and other wacky Washington news that we've missed what's going on in the Lone Star State. In the past week, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has been busy signing laws that are giving citizens reasons to cheer. First was his signature that gave the green light to ban red light cameras.

Texan drivers applauded the governor's action, because not only have red light cameras increased their anxiety and left them with surprise bills, but they've resulted in more accidents, according to new studies. The National Motorists Association provided several instances around the country to prove it.

In 2010, the Los Angeles television station KCAL found that at 20 of the 32 intersections they studied for a 6-month period, "accidents increased and several intersections tripled their accident rate."

In Portland, Oregon, KATU News "reviewed city statistics and found a 140 percent increase in rear-end crashes at the intersections where red light cameras were installed."

These accidents are multiplying because people are panicking.

"People see the light flash and they slam on their brakes,” local attorney Sherman Ellison explained.

Abbott is hoping his new law will reverse the trend.

A few days later, the governor gave Texans another gift.

"Have you ever ordered food or groceries from a retailer to be delivered to your home, and also wish that you could order beer or wine to be delivered to your home?" Abbott asked. "Well I'm about to sign a law that will allow you to do just that."

So basically, Abbott is making Texas the envy of the nation. 

To be fair, he's not the only governor signing impactful legislation. New York's Andrew Cuomo is close to signing a ban on declawing cats.

"Today, though, every cat and kitten in New York state lands on its feet as we prepare to make New York the best state for cats to live in the United States," Democratic Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal said after lawmakers passed the bill.