
New Video Suggests Open Border Aficionados Target The Kids Of Illegal Immigrants

A new video from a government watchdog group offers an alternate theory on why Democrats love open borders, and while it makes the case it definitely is about capturing the Latino vote, those voters aren’t exactly the ones people think they are.

In short: it’s not the illegal immigrant vote open border fanatics are seeking. It’s the legal vote of their children who were born here.

The video, part of series of videos under the umbrella of Government Gone Wild that are created and produced by Blaise Ingoglia, who is also the narrator, lays out the case that Democrats dropped the ball on fixing immigration 30 years ago when they had the chance quite intentionally. Ingoglia’s theory is that this was always the goal because now there are young adults who were part of the Dreamer contingent that are legally allowed to vote as citizens by virtue of their birth in the U.S.

“For Democrats, opposition to immigration reform is a political calculation, not a humanitarian one,” Ingoglia said in a statement announcing the new video. “Fixing the broken system hurts their future electoral success. Democrats have figured out with every passing year that more and more citizen children of illegal immigrants will reach the age of 18-years-old and cast legal votes against anyone who makes a policy issue of their relatives. They’ve also figured out that every illegal that crosses our border today creates 2 – 3 future voters tomorrow.”

Ingoglia, who spent several years as the chairman of the Florida GOP and is a Florida State Representative, told Townhall that keeping the border in chaos furthers the agenda of Democrats which is ultimately to allow more immigrants in who will have their children here. He reasons this creates more possible voters Democrats can try to win by demonizing conservatives who want to tighten up border controls and reform the immigration system.

“We are talking about a group of people who are inherently conservative, in their faith and their family life, and that is the power the Democrats have on this issue,” Ingoglia says. “They know that they can still get inherently conservative voters to vote Democrat by making it seem as though Republicans want to deport their families. And then it’s personal to them.”

Ingoglia says the sooner Republicans figure out the game, the sooner they will be able to begin fixing something that has compounded over the years “sort of like the way unfunded liabilities for social security have compounded until it’s almost too late to fix the problem,” Ingoglia says.

Despite the fact that Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) will never allow the House of Representatives to sign a comprehensive immigration reform package, Ingoglia says, he still believes the answer is a quick comprehensive fix “sooner rather than later” that would secure the border, end the policies that create magnets for illegal crossings, and would fix broken legal immigration system, all at the same time.

“If Republicans had control of the House and the Senate, and we had this president who is willing to make moves on big issues, something could be done quickly,” Ingoglia says. “But Nancy Pelosi knows that what’s working for Democrats right now is to not have a solution to illegal immigration.”

Watch the video below: