
Poll: 67% of Democrats Believe the World Only Has 12 Years Left to Fight Climate Change

It appears Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez might think her core constituency is the coveted "sea sponge" demographic because PJ Media's Matt Margolis reports that a new poll shows that a remarkable 67% of Democratic voters believe that the world only has 12 years left to combat climate change before the damages from global warming are irreversible. As Margolis points out, this 12 years doomsday clock comes in large part from AOC's claim that the human race had that amount of time to enact "meaningful" legislation to save the planet -- a claim she later said was a joke and one that "you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal." 

The poll of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on May 20-21, 2019 by Rasmussen via telephone and online surveys. The poll found that "that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters agree that the United States has only 12 years to aggressively fight climate change or else there will be disastrous and irreparable damage to the country and the world. 40% disagree, while 11% are undecided."

When broken down into party lines, the aforementioned 67% of Democrats vs. the 28% of Republicans who believe there is limited to fight climate change highlights the stark differences between the two political parties on the issue. This poll also found that "61% of all voters think that most politicians who raise climate change issues do so to get elected rather than to address real problems. " 

But Margolis makes an interesting note -- the most surprising aspect of this poll is how much the numbers have changed for Democratic voters since the question was first asked in January.

via PJ Media:

The most fascinating thing about the poll, aside from the large percentage of Democrat sea sponges who believe the 12-year prediction, is how the number of voters who believe it has skyrocketed in just a few months. When Rasmussen first polled on this issue back in January, after Ocasio-Cortez first publicly made her prediction, only 23 percent of voters agreed with it. Back in January, however, only 34 percent of Democrats believed what Ocasio-Cortez says only a sea sponge would have taken seriously. This shows the incredible influence the socialist wing of the Democratic Party has on the party as a whole.