
Hilarious: Bill de Blasio Had This PR Nightmare During His 'NYC Green New Deal' Rally

A couple days ago, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) held a press conference in front of the elevators at Trump Towers. He used the opportunity – and the location – to blast President Donald Trump for rolling back environmental regulations and pulling the United States out of the Paris Accord Agreement.

"We have passed a mandate in this city requiring buildings to stop the destructive emissions and that begins right here, Trump Towner," de Blasio told the crowd. "...And clearly, the Trump Organization is a little sensitive to the fact that we're calling them out for what they are doing to the climate and the way this building is part of the problem. But we will not back down. We don't back down in New York City, do we?"

What's funny is the clip that's posted on Twitter is tightly cropped and makes it look as though the entire crowd supports what de Blasio is saying.

But it's actually cropped super tight because a handful of Trump supporters did the most amazing trolling ever. They showed up with signs depicting de Blasio being full of sh*t and a chicken. Other signs said "worst mayor ever" and "Trump 2020."

This is what the scene actually looked like during the rally:

Bet de Blasio is thinking twice about pushing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal platform. Bet he's thinking even harder about whether or not he should run in 2020.