
Oh, The Left Is Going To Go Nuts Over Mike Pence's Liberty University Commencement Speech

It’s that time of the year: high school and college graduations are upon us. And that means liberal America gets to throw tantrums over their commencement speakers. Scores of soft, idiotic, and unhinged progressive student bodies play the game of ‘problematic bingo’ across the country because, well, they ignored that lesson where they were told their institution was a ground that should be for exchanging ideas—even if those views are very, very bad. And while its mostly conservatives, some of those on the Left have been targeted as well. Whether it’s commencement or simply just a guest lecture, those who have fallen victim to the anti-free speech Olympics is quite extensive.  Bill Maher, Condoleezza Rice, Janet Mock (who was protested because a Jewish group co-sponsored the event), Ben Shapiro, and former Obama CIA Director John Brennan have not fared well in the left-wing college cesspool. Okay—maybe Brennan deserved to be protested, and he could be facing a whole lot of legal trouble with this Spygate fiasco, but being shouted down as he was in the University of Pennsylvania—there are better ways to attack him. 

Luckily, at Liberty University, there was none of that trash occurring. Vice President Mike Pence delivered the commencement address, where he told graduates that they should be prepared to be mocked and shunned for their Christian faith (via The Hill)

“Throughout most of American history, it's been pretty easy to call yourself Christian,” Pence told students Saturday, according to USA Today. “It didn’t even occur to people that you might be shunned or ridiculed for defending the teachings of the Bible.”

“But things are different now,” he continued, adding that “some of the loudest voices for tolerance today have little tolerance for traditional Christian beliefs. Be ready.”


“When my wife, Karen, returned to teach art at an elementary Christian school earlier this year, we faced harsh attacks by the media and the secular left,” he also said during the address, according to The Christian Post.

“These attacks on Christian education are un-American,” Pence continued.

The vice president also boasted about the actions being taken by the Trump administration in recent months to “protect religious liberty.”

“I promise you, we will always stand up for the right of Americans to live, to learn, and to worship God according to the dictates of their conscience,” he said.

I’m not religious at all, but you cannot deny Christianity playing a major part in our country’s history. Whether the Left likes it or not, of all the industrialized nations on the planet, faith runs deep through the veins of the American society. It’s entrenched within our socio-political system. I’m okay with that. The moral lessons, the teaching, and providing a moral compass are not evil things. On the Left, it’s anathema. From Christian bakers being targeted, the ongoing war on Chick-fil-A, and even local politicians mocking those praying outside of a Planned Parenthood facility, it’s not shocking that in the most liberal parts of the country—being a person of faith, especially if you’re a Christian, will lead to a brutal thrashing by progressive stooges. Meanwhile, they’re mum on the atrocities and evils of radical Islam, who are literally being filmed throwing gay people off rooftops. Also, with the other ongoing war over abortion, let us not forget that while the progressive Left may think that pro-life Americans are part of some conspiracy to turn this country into a theocracy (which is beyond absurd), they don’t seem to criticize the Islamic world for preventing women the right to vote, prohibiting them to drive, stoning them to death for a variety of absurd reasons, and honor killings. 

Yet, if you’re a progressive, seeing those advocating for the sanctity of life, holding the position that pregnant women are indeed carrying babies (not clumps of cells), and working on legislation to protect human life is apparently the work of Satan…and much worse than the evils being inflicted upon others by radical Islam. It's insanity.

Yes, the liberal media will mock Pence's speech. Yes, SNL will probably whip out a skit over it. And yes, there is some truth to Pence's view that the progressive Left is at war with those with religious beliefs. By default, the far left has to hate the religious. It's in the way to their masterplan where we all kowtow to their religion: an authoritarian government.