
DNC Chair Calls Trump Supporters in Congress 'Cowards'... And Singles a Few Out

President Trump proponents have been called some unfortunate names these past few years. "Deplorable" immediately comes to mind, thanks to Hillary Clinton and her flattering description of the opponent's fans during the 2016 presidential election. Republicans in Congress have faced an even worse reckoning, as critics charge they haven't done enough to challenge Trump whenever he says something uncivil or promotes a supposedly callous policy. 

Folks like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, according to DNC Chair Tom Perez. He had another name for them on Monday: "Cowards."

"They will be judged harshly" by history, Perez predicted during a conversation on "Progressive Policy in the Trump Era" at Brandeis University's Heller School for Social Policy and Management.

Republican lawmakers have "allowed the party of Lincoln to die" because they've allowed Trump to promote his agenda unhindered, Perez added, before singling at least one more out.

"Look at Lindsey Graham - it's pathetic."

Dean David Weil also asked Perez to analyze the 2016 election a bit more and explain to the audience how Trump became president. Perez admitted that the Democrats didn't do their part in organizing and maintaining President Obama supporters in swing states. Yet, he added that voters were unfortunately persuaded by Trump's lofty promises that he'd bring their jobs back.

“He said he had your back but actually he had a knife in your back.”

"He twisted it again last week," Perez continued, by again pledging to upend the Affordable Care Act. Republicans have gone along with that campaign, too, he observed. Instead of helping keep the price of medicine down, such as insulin, the GOP was busy passing “the most reckless tax cut in American history” last year, he charged.

Perez would better serve his committee by working on their financial woes. They have consistently paced far behind the RNC, who are still breaking fundraising records.

Perez also needs to help his party gain back voters' trust in key states like Wisconsin, which Clinton took for granted in 2016.