
That's Got to Sting: AOC Had Her Words Turned Against Her In RNC Video

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) hasn't been in office very long and we've all seen right through her. We know she's a hypocrite. She likes to tout her Socialist ideas that "benefit everyone" and the "community as a whole" but really, she's talking out of both sides of her mouth. She wants everyone to share their hard earned money but she doesn't want to share hers. She wants "dark money" out of politics, but only if that money is someone other than hers.

After all, just a few days ago a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint was filed against Ocasio-Cortez, saying her chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabart, allegedly created multiple LLCs to funnel campaign contributions from various political action committees (PACs). Of course, the Congresswoman denied the claims, saying there was "no [FEC] violation."

AOC is such a hypocrite that the Republican National Committee created a video, called "hypAOCrite" (like the pun?) showing just how much of an imposter she truly is. The video features the Congresswoman's hearing testimony where she talks about the dark money in politics and how politicians hide the skeletons in their closet in order to get elected. As she's saying the words, news headlines about her alleged FEC violation take over the screen.

The question for Ocasio-Cortez is simple: when will she step forward and admit that she's no different than any other politician? When will she admit that her popularity and stardom in the Democratic Party is based on nothing but lies? Oh, that's right. She won't.

Welcome to the world of politics, hypAOCrite.