
Schumer: A Forced Vote on the Green New Deal Is a 'Sham'

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Wednesday he wants Democrats to “go on record” about whether they “really support this fantasy novel masquerading as public policy," referring to the Green New Deal--a plan Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called a "sham."

"The games they are playing here will have no meaning. This is not a debate. It's a diversion. It's a sham," Schumer said on the Senate floor.

Democrats are introducing a climate change resolution, which will be supported by the entire caucus, as part of their strategy to kick the spotlight in the climate change fight back to Republicans.

Schumer, previewing that strategy, added that there is an "enormous" silence among Republicans on how to confront climate change. (The Hill)

"I heard Leader McConnell knocking the Green New Deal," Schumer said. "I would ask the leader—and we're going to keep asking him, and every Republican in this chamber—what they would do about climate change, about global warming. So Leader McConnell, do you believe that climate change, global warming, is real? Yes or no? Second, do you believe that climate change, global warming, is caused by humans? And three, do you believe that Congress should take immediate action to deal with the problem?"

McConnell said he plans to force a vote on the Green New Deal some time before August recess. 

"It's clear what we have here. It's the far-left's Santa Claus wish list dressed up to look like serious policy. Now, bad ideas are nothing new … silly proposals come and go. But the philosophies and the ideas behind this textbook socialism are not just foolish. They're dangerous," the McConnell said.