
Trump Rakes in Massive Approval Numbers for State of the Union Address

President Trump's second State of the Union Address Tuesday night, which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delayed by a week, was a roaring success among those who were listening. 

According to polling done by CBS News and YouGov, the President was able to cut through the noise, unify the country and successfully make his pitch for border security. After watching the speech, 71 percent of Americans believe there is a crisis at the southern border.

The CBS News poll also showed President Trump easily obtained approval from Independents while Democrats continue their resistance. 

Fifty-six of Americans who watched tonight feel the president's speech will do more to unite the country, rather than divide it, although 36 percent don't think it will change things much.

Democrats who watched the speech see things differently, however. Just 15 percent of Democrats think the president's speech will unite the country.

In every single category and major theme, President Trump came out on top by a wide margin.

CNN had similar responses in their polling. 

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders is celebrating the results.