
NCAA Champion Hits Back at Media for Criticizing Trump's Big Mac Buffet

It wasn't the media's finest moment. On Tuesday, the press was up in arms over President Trump's decision to offer up a fast food smorgasbord for the NCAA champions the Clemson Tigers when the team visited the White House Monday night. Some angry reporters accused Trump of disrespecting both the athletes and the presidency with the choice in delicacy. 

Lord help us some reporters even fact checked the president over how many burgers he really served and how much it all cost. Trump previously tweeted that he paid for the burgers himself.

Despite all the outrage, as anyone could see the players rather enjoyed themselves, especially offensive lineman Matt Bockhorst.

Still, critics on social media suggested that the players deserved better. One person lamented that all Bockhurst had to show for his efforts on the field was CTE, a brain condition that can develop after repeated blows to the head, and a Big Mac. Again, Bockhorst offered a respectful smackdown.

Bockhorst gained plenty of fans after his string of harmless and clever tweets, some praising him as a "class act" or a man of "great character." Nearly everyone loved his sense of humor. 

Who knows what the press were expecting. A gourmet meal perhaps? Hot towels and valet parking? These are growing young men. I suspect they were happy with greasy burgers. 

The Clemson Tigers defeated the Alabama Crimson Tide last week in the College Football Playoff championship game by a score of 44-16. Eat your heart out, boys!