
Here's a List of Democrats Who Acknowledged There's a Crisis at the Border

There's a crisis at the border and Democrats are admitting it. Or at least they have in the past. 

President Obama: 

DNC Chairman Tom Perez on the "public safety" imperative:

Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senator Dick Durbin (who complained about the 2006 Fence Act not being enough coverage for the 2000 mile border), Senator Dianne Feinstein, former Vice President Joe Biden: 

Vice presidential candidate and Democratic Senator Tim Kaine:  

That was of course when previous presidents were in the White House. Now that President Trump is dealing with the same problems their perspectives, not the crisis, have changed.

Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) on Thursday declared that Democrats will not provide any more funding for a border wall and are willing to wait until January, when a Democratic majority in the House will give them more leverage, to deal with the issue.

“I want to be crystal clear. There will be no additional appropriations to pay for the border wall. It’s done,” Schumer declared on the Senate floor.

You get the idea.

H/T Rich Weinstein