
Lindsey Graham's Pitch for the Wall

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) hears the complaints about a border wall, but he has little patience for them. In an interview with Fox News's Sean Hannity following President Trump's primetime pitch for a barrier at the U.S.-Mexico border on Tuesday, the 17th day of the government shutdown, Graham made a few comparisons to put holes in the Democrats' arguments.

 "This is the most presidential I have seen President Trump," Graham said on Hannity following the address. "It was compelling and everything he said was true."

Democrats like Nancy Pelosi say the wall is "immoral." Funny she should say that, Trump noted in his address. 

"Some have suggested the barrier is immoral," the president said. "Then why do some wealthy politicians build barriers and fences around their homes? They do it not because they hate the people on the outside, but because they love the people on the inside."

Sen. Graham had a similar question: Why should lawmakers enjoy the benefits of Capitol protection, while families are being torn apart thanks to our open borders?

Graham took a swing at another argument. Critics say Trump is heartless for putting federal workers out of work, but perhaps the crisis at the border is a bit more pressing.

“Federal workers, you are going to get your back pay," Graham said. "I’m sorry, Ms Singh is not going to get her husband back."

Cpl. Ronil Singh, 33, of the Newman, California, Police Department, was killed by an illegal immigrant at a traffic stop last month. He left behind a wife and a 5-month-old son. Trump also alluded to the tragedy in his primetime address, noting the chaos at the border is "a humanitarian crisis, a crisis of the heart and a crisis of the soul."

Graham urged his fellow Republicans to get the deal done now, because it's the best chance they'll have.

 “If we undercut the president, that's the end of his presidency and the end of our party," Graham warned. "And we deserve to be punished if we give in now."