
Jane Curtin's New Year's Resolution Did Not Amuse Everyone

Throughout the course of CNN's New Year's Eve broadcast Monday night, the network had a host of celebrities share their New Year's resolutions. Some, like Sarah Jessica Parker, promised to try and follow the Golden Rule. Actress Debra Messing said she'd try to stay on Twitter less than 12 hours a day. Cher, the queen of caps lock on Twitter who recently referred to Republicans as "misogynists," offered an ironic hope for "more tolerance" in 2019. 

There was one resolution that stood out above the rest. "Saturday Night Live" alum Jane Curtin, most famous for her cohosting duties on "Weekend Update" with Dan Aykroyd, wished for one of the major political parties to take its last breath in 2019. Guess which one.

While plenty of social media users applauded Ms. Curtin for her resolution and called her their "spirit animal," others were rightly outraged. 

Some conservative groups used facts to challenge Curtin.

That wasn't the only part of CNN's New Year's coverage that blew up Twitter. Viewers had a ball witnessing Anderson Cooper's progression of tequila shots.