
LOL: Women's March Organizers Canceled Their January Rally...Because of White People?

California never ceases to amaze me (and I was born and raised in the Golden State). Apparently Women's March organizers are canceling their Jan. 19th rally in Eureka because too many white people will be in attendance and they say that it's not representative of the diverse area.

This is the explanation organizers gave in a press release, KATU-TV reported:

This decision was made after many conversations between local social-change organizers and supporters of the march.

Up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community. Instead of pushing forward with crucial voices absent, the organizing team will take time for more outreach. Our goal is that planning will continue and we will be successful in creating an event that will build power and community engagement through connection between women that seek to improve the lives of all in our community.

You hear that, white ladies? The supposedly "all inclusive," hand holding, kambaya singing group is now saying your voice – and your opinion – don't matter, simply because of the color of your skin. They're canceling an entire event because there aren't enough minorities taking an interest in the group's message.

This, folks, is what we call reverse racism. And if the roles were reversed, people would be up in arms about minorities not being treated equally. Hypocrites much?

Seems as though these "organizers" are taking three steps backwards. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did everything in his power to make it so blacks and whites are equal. Now we have a progressive groups, who is supposedly all about the community, saying that blacks and white, once again, are no longer equal. It's a sad reality, isn't it?