
CNN Anchor: Trump is the Grinch Who Stole Christmas By Visiting Troops in Iraq

The folks at CNN are having a meltdown over President Trump's surprise visit to troops in Iraq on Tuesday. 

Primetime host Don Lemon, a regular Trump critic, is accusing the Commander-in-Chief of being "the Grinch." A CNN national security analyst agrees and said on his show last night the President "stole Christmas," by politicizing his message.

While President Trump was aboard Air Force One and on his way to Iraq late Monday night and into Tuesday, the media face planted repeatedly by claiming he was the only president since 2002 not to visit U.S. troops around Christmastime. Things went downhill from there.

And then things got even worse: they started criticizing troops stationed overseas for daring to support Trump.

Trump the Grinch? Members of the pretentious media should look in the mirror.