
You Will Not Believe What This Church Built Around a Nativity Scene

Pastor Chris Moore of the Tulsa Fellowship Congregational Church recently fired back at the Trump Administration by installing a chain-link fence around the large wood nativity scene standing outside of his parish.

The pastor claims the move has "sparked a discussion about U.S. immigration policies," which he asserts was his intention by framing the Christmas nativity scene with a "wall."

In an interview for the local newspaper in Oklahoma, Tulsa World reports that the display was up "for three weeks," but "didn’t draw much attention until the church recently changed the message on its marquee to say the 'Holy Family was a migrant family'.”

In the same interview, Moore explained what he believes to be biblical evidence to support his claim that "the Holy Family was a migrant family," furthering his own political agenda against the Trump administration. 

"Warned in a dream about King Herod’s plot to kill the baby Jesus, Joseph fled with his family to Egypt, 'where he stayed until the death of Herod,' according to Matthew 2:13–23," Moore declares. 

“What if Egypt had the same policies that we have now?” Moore asks. “Would they have been turned away? Would they have been separated?”

Towards the end of the interview with the local news outlet, Moore changed his tune stating that "He doesn’t support 'open borders'." Moore concludes, “Of course we need security.”

Townhall has reached out to the church for comment but hasn't received a response.