
Comey's Latest Testimony Was Such a Trainwreck, He's Been Called Back for More

Over the weekend the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees jointly released a 235-page transcript of former FBI Director James Comey's closed door testimony. 

"In October 2017, the House Judiciary Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee opened a joint investigation into decisions made by the Justice Department in 2016 and 2017. To date, the Committees have interviewed many key witnesses and have reviewed thousands of pages of documents," the Committees released. 

During his subpoenaed testimony, which he tried to negotiate away through a federal judge, Comey answered questions by saying he "didn't remember" or "doesn't recall" more than 200-times. 

As reported during testimony last week, lawmakers grew immediately frustrated with a lack of cooperation.

According to Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy and Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, the former FBI Director has been called back for additional questioning. 

"Due to time constraints, the Committees were unable to ask all relevant questions of Mr. Comey during yesterday's interview. He will therefore appear before the Committees again on December 17, 2018," the Committees released.

Democrats have vowed to end all congressional investigations into FBI misconduct when they officially retake the House majority in January.