
People Are Not Happy With How the AP Initially Defined George H. W.'s Legacy

UPDATE: The AP has acknowledged that their tweet about the late President Bush was not in good taste and they have removed it.


Former President George H. W. Bush passed away Friday night at the age of 94 in his home in Houston. Family, friends, old White House employees, lawmakers, and pundits are sharing their condolences. But, some outlets may be missing the mark.

Here's the blurb the Associated Press chose to define Bush's career:

"George H.W. Bush, a patrician New Englander whose presidency soared with the coalition victory over Iraq in Kuwait, but then plummeted in the throes of a weak economy that led voters to turn him out of office after a single term, has died. He was 94," the tweet read.

Some groups and individuals were outraged by how the AP defined Bush's legacy and why they decided to use words like "weak" and "plummeted."

It's rarely a good sign when the number of comments exceeds the number of retweets.

Critics would have much preferred if the AP used the second paragraph in their obituary for President Bush as the featured tweet, where the editors write how Bush was a "World War II hero, who also presided during the collapse of the Soviet Union and the final months of the Cold War." 

The AP Twitter account did share more sentimental messages in follow up tweets, quoting leaders who recognize and appreciate Bush's years of service.

Others prefer the description from former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer:

Or the message from Bush 41's office:

As noted above, President Bush lost a few people closest to him before his own passing, including last April when former First Lady Barbara Bush passed. Bush 41's supporters are glad he is now reunited with them.

RIP, Mr. President.