
Karl Rove Gives the GOP Honest Feedback About Midterm Loses in Suburban Areas

Republican strategist and former adviser to President George W. Bush, Karl Rove, has a stark warning for the GOP: if the party continues losing elections in America's suburbs, Republicans will be in serious danger, The Washington Examiner reported. 

“We’ve got to be worried about what’s happening in the suburbs. We get wiped out in the Dallas suburbs, Houston suburbs, Chicago suburbs, Denver suburbs — you know there’s a pattern — Detroit suburbs, Minneapolis suburbs, Orange County, Calif., suburbs,” Rove said Saturday during a panel discussion for the Washington Examiner’s Sea Island Summit. “When we start to lose in the suburbs, it says something to us. We can’t replace all of those people by simply picking up [Minnesota’s First Congressional District] — farm country and the Iron range of Minnesota — because, frankly, there’s more growth in suburban areas than there is in rural areas.”

Rove was referencing the five hotly contested congressional races in California, where Democrats hoped to gain a stronghold.

“We’ve got to examine the reasons why we lost and figure out how to fix those problems going forward,” Rove said. “Problematically, the purple places, with the exception of Florida, didn’t go blue, but they got bluer.”

Rove isn't the only one who had similar feelings about the GOP's loss on Election Day. Shoshana Weissmann, the founder of CityGOP, shared a Twitter thread explaining why it's important for the Republican Party to pay attention to what's happening in the city and suburbs: