
Trump: Warren's 'Pocahontas' Nickname Is 'Too Good to Give Up' Even Though She 'Has No Indian Blood'

President Trump joked about his nickname for Sen. Liz Warren (D-MA) at a rally in Cleveland, Ohio Monday just ahead of the midterm elections.

Trump was campaigning for Republican gubernatorial candidate and Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine. He called DeWine’s Democratic opponent Richard Cordray “handpicked” by and a “disciple” of Sen. Warren.

Sen. Warren picked Cordray to serve as a director at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that she helped create. Warren called Cordray “the nerd we need” when she campaigned for him last week.

Trump quipped that he can no longer call Warren Pocahontas “because she has no Indian blood.”

“I used to go around saying I have more Indian blood than you do and I have none and I was right,” he said.

Trump then joked about the media saying “I mean the only bad thing about that is that I can’t really, legitimately call her Pocahontas anymore because the press will say I’m misrepresenting.”

“I’ll call her Pocahontas anyway,” he concluded. “That name is too good to give up.”

Warren recently touted results of a DNA test which found that she was between 1/64th and 1/1,024th Native American. She pointed to the results as proof of the Cherokee heritage that she’s been mocked for claiming throughout her career.

The Cherokee nation took offense at Warren’s claim to their heritage, arguing that “using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong.”

Cordray and DeWine are virtually tied in the race, according to the latest polling.