
One GOP Mega-Donor Left the Party – And Now He's Dropping Big Money....For the Dems

L Brands CEO Leslie Wexner was a major Republican Party donor in the swing state of Ohio. In September, Wexner decided to leave the GOP, saying he wouldn't "support this nonsense in the Republican Party” anymore, The Hill reported. Now, he's dropping quite a bit of money on Democrats. 

The Wexners have given $1.9 million to Ohio and various political parties over the last five years. Leslie was a strong Republican who gave generous donations. His wife, Abigail, typically gave smaller amounts to the Democrats.

Wexner's recent $10,000 donation to the Ohio House Democratic Caucus and another $10,000 to the state's House Minority Leader, Fred Strahorn (D), was the first he had given to the Democratic Party, at least in the last five years, the Columbus Dispatch reported. 

His wife matched his donation with another $10,000 to the Ohio House Democratic Caucus and $5,000 to Strahorn.

Although Wexner says he's written off the GOP and now self-identifies as an Independent, he hasn't written off all of GOP's members. He gave $10,000 to Ohio House Speaker Ryan Smith (R), $10,000 to the Ohio House Republican Caucus and another $10,000 to the Ohio Senate Republican Caucus.             

Wexner said he was a member of the Republican Party since he joined the Young Republicans while at Ohio State University, USA Today reported. That changed back in September after former President Barack Obama made a short stop in Columbus. Wexner "was struck by the genuineness of the man; his candor, humility and empathy for others."