
Minneapolis Won't Investigate Domestic Violence Allegations Against Keith Ellison. Here's Why.

On Wednesday, the Minneapolis Police Department said they would not investigate domestic violence allegations against Rep. Keith Ellison, who also serves as the Democratic National Committee's deputy chair. MPD said they won't conduct an investigation due to a conflict of interest, or the appearances of a conflict of interest, the Associated Press reported. 

Minnesota Democratic officials asked MPD to conduct an investigation into allegations made by Ellison's ex-girlfriend, Karen Monahan, after their attorney found her claims to be unsubstantiated.

MPD said they're currently in talks with other agencies to see who they can refer the case to.

Ellison allegedly called Monahan a "f--king b--ch" and dragged her off a bed by her feet. The allegations were thrown into the public eye when Monahan's son posted on Facebook detailing what he had witnessed and evidence he found on his mother's computer. Her son, Austin, claimed to have seen numerous text messages and video evidence showing Ellison abusing Monahan.

Ellison is currently running for Minnesota attorney general and has denied the allegations.