
Ted Cruz: Democrats Haven't Laid a Glove on Brett Kavanaugh

After more than twelve hours of questioning on Capitol Hill Wednesday, Judge Brett Kavanaugh is back in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee today for a second round. 

Democrats like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Richard Blumenthal have done their best to attack Kavanaugh's character, with little substance on his record. 

Republican Ted Cruz, also a legal scholar, says his far-left colleagues have been unsuccessful in their repeated attempts to derail Kavanaugh's nomination.

"In two days of hearings in the Judiciary Committee the Democrats have not laid a single glove on Brett Kavanaugh. There's been a lot of screaming, a lot of protesting, there's been a lot of anger and it's really a reflection of the incredible rage and fury we've seen on the left," Cruz said during an interview on Hannity. "By all appearances, these protests are closely coordinated with the Democrat Senators."

"Yesterday 70 people were arrested, but at the end of the day, the rage, the anger they're having. They haven't been able to give a single argument that is going to rerail this nomination. No Democrat has disputed that Brett Kavanaugh is qualified to serve on the Supreme Court. They're just really expressing the rage of the far left to Donald Trump," Cruz continued. "Come October, we're going to see judge Kavanaugh become Justice Kavanaugh and that's a great victory for everyone of us who cares about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and our fundamental liberties."

Kavanaugh faces another round of questioning on Thursday and is expected to be given a full Senate vote by the end of the month.