
Maine Group Sends Dire Warning to Susan Collins About Kavanaugh

Mainers for Accountable Leadership is sending a dire message to their elected representative Sen. Susan Collins (R). In a new video, a group of women tell the senator their varying reasons for why she needs to vote against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The reasons range from: He will reverse Roe v. Wade, to people will die.

"It has been pretty demoralizing to know your elected representative is ignoring you," one woman in the video laments.

Other women argue that a vote for Trump's nominee is a vote to reverse the right to abortion, or a vote to take away the rights of individuals who have "marginalized" gender identities. But, the most extreme view came from the woman who predicted, "As a Mainer who has a pre-existing condition, if you vote yes on Kavanaugh, you're voting to kill me."

The group is targeting Collins, presumably, because she has sided with Democrats on important votes in the past few years, most notably her vote against the bill to repeal Obamacare. She and Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) were "nos" in part to protect Planned Parenthood funding, they explained in a joint interview. 

So, progressive groups are expecting Collins to side with them again when it comes to the makeup of the Supreme Court. If she votes "yes" on Kavanaugh, the Maine group warns, they will work to "replace her."

However, when Collins met with the nominee last week, she seemed content with his answers about abortion rights. Kavanaugh, she told reporters, believes Roe v. Wade is "settled law."

Kavanaugh is currently facing the Senate Judiciary Committee this week for his confirmation hearings.