
STOP THE HEARING: This Is How Many Times Dems Have Thrown A Tantrum At Today's SCOTUS Hearing

As Cortney wrote earlier today, the Senate Judiciary Committee began their hearing on the Supreme Court nomination for Judge Brett Kavanaugh. We knew this was going to be an intense confrontation. The balance of the Court could tilt decidedly rightward when Kavanaugh gets confirmed. Democrats know this, as does their base. So, it didn’t take long, maybe less than five minutes for today’s hearings to become a total clown show. It went off the rails, with activists shouting their chants and Democrats on the committee trying in vain to delay the hearings. Sen. Chuck Grassley needs to be commended: he held the line. He tolerated the interruptions and the bullcrap motions put forward by liberal Democrats to stop President Trump from filling this vacancy. Democrats interrupted the hearings with this idiocy over 60 times. The crew was made up of the usual suspects. 

As Katie noted, this was pre-planned. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) coordinated the blitz, which was stuffed at the goal line. Why? Because Grassley moved forward with the hearing, as he should. The Democrats are not voting for Kavanaugh. So, you can see why their calls for we need more time to vet and review documents as a total and transparent political move to delay this nomination until after the midterms. It’s nonsense. Why should we delay to give people who have already made up their minds more time to review documents, which they probably won’t read, only to end with the same result: total Democratic opposition.  Move forward, Republicans. With former Sen. Jon Kyl being selected to fill the remainder of the late John McCain’s term, the game is over. We’ve won. And I think the Left has known that for quite some time, given how their ground game to oppose this nomination has been lackluster at best. 

There is nothing in Kavanaugh’s record that is shocking or disqualifying. The Democratic salvos against him, which are also absurd, prove that. Even some liberal Democrats, who have worked with the judge, know he’s qualified, that he’s fair, and that he should be our next justice. He will be soon. Rest assured.