
Dallas Billboard Promotes Abortion As 'Self Care'

A billboard in Dallas, Texas has sparked backlash from conservatives on social media and rightfully so, as it promotes the destruction of human life as “self-care.”

“Black women take care of their families by taking care of themselves. Abortion is self-care,” the billboard by The Afiya Center reads, along with the hashtag #TrustBlackWomen.

The group was responding to a billboard message a pastor put up last month that said “Abortion is not health care. It hurts women and murders their babies.”

“It sparked anger in me,” Marsha Jones from The Afiya Center told NewsFix. “It is shaming, it is stigmatizing, it’s trying to control women’s reproductive choices.” […]

“The billboard is to support women in a loving way, in a non-judgy way, and to give them language to help them to understand why they had to make the decision they had to make so that they could fair better and be better for the children they still have and they may have one day,” Jones said. (NewsFix)

Prominent black anti-abortion activists were quick to speak out about it, reminding the group that Planned Parenthood continues with the eugenic racism of its founder, Margaret Sanger.